Monday, July 31, 2006

What language do you think in????

Kinda strange rite? But I have always wondered about this.

We Indians are the only people who can boast of so many languages. 14 official languages. And there is also the concept of a 'mother tongue' . Not just something that your mother speaks….there is more to it. It is supposed to identify your roots, where you come from and so on. Don't know how much of it holds true for kids nowadays.

Well, I know my mother tongue is malayalam but I have always noticed something. It is not the same language that I think in. Why is that? When this is the language that I have heard the most since I was born, I think in some other language? I am sure if most of you observe yourself while you think of something, you might notice the same thing. Isn’t that kind of weird?

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Losing a Friend

I have been in Cyprus for the past 2 years or so and I never thought I would meet someone who matches my wavelength on this tiny island.
But I finally did end up meeting someone and talk about wavelengths matching!!! It is so totally weird.....

Let me explain.

My friend and I share the same taste, same views, same experiences, same everything.
I would recollect something from school or college when he would say he also went through the same thing.

We seemed to communicate via ESP. I would be thinking of something and it used to end up that he was also thinking of the same thing. Pass the same comment (not even a difference in the words used or their order) at the same time. How weird can that be? Every day that we were together, we used to have something funny happening.

I have never come across such a person. And now he is leaving.

Well, that is life I guess... meet someone, have some fond memories for the rest of your life. There are very few people who would be with you forever! :)
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