Monday, January 21, 2008

Tips to a wonderful married life???

Here's an interesting excerpt from Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray.
The best of women (I have heard my grandmother say) are hypocrites. We don't know how much they hide from us; how watchful they are when they seem most artless and confidential; how often those frank smiles, which they wear so easily, are traps to cajole or elude or disarm - I don't mean in your mere coquettes, but your domestic models, and paragons of female virtue. Who has not seen a woman hide the dullness of a stupid husband, or coax the fury of a savage one? We accept this amiable slavishness, and praise a woman for it; we call this pretty treachery truth. A good housewife is of necessity a humbug.

Disclaimer: The views expressed above belong solely to Thackeray and his grandmother (God rest their souls) and have no bearing upon R or me, so help us God!
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