Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Midnight Surprise!

Not my birthday! And definitely not a pleasant surprise!
I had bought this huge bar of dark chocolate and had placed it on sofa so that I won't forget to take it to office the next day. At night, I hear these strange noises! The rustle of plastic...Is it someone in the room? Nah! Cannot be - I had locked it!
Being the very brave person that I am (hee hee), I take some time to switch on the light. :D
And what do I see??? My precious bar of chocolate! Attacked! By rat(s)
In a hotel room in US! Imagine....


One Who Nets The Dot said...

What? Rats can't eat chocolate?? Its a democracy - you know!

D for Dawn said...
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D for Dawn said...

@one who nets the dot - Not in an elf's world! Here, am the queen. :P
Should I try "Off with their heads!"???

Rajesh said...

I can imagine that. Rats at workplace is a common sight here. But didnt expect them in a hotel room. They might have gotten out when you opened up one of your suitcases - who knows :P

Rajesh said...

On a second thought - Was it Hershey's Dark Choc. ? I love that flavor of theirs :)

D for Dawn said...

@rajesh - not from my suitcase :P
anyway, It was hershey's dark chocolate and it is too yummy. Can you imagine the pain I went through while throwing away the whole of the big bar!!! sob! sob!

Anonymous said...

i think it got out of ur luggage...else it must have been there in ur pocket or ranji's maybe

D for Dawn said...

@anonymous - could be mine or ranji's. Have you seen The Sound of Music? Have a feeling some of his colleagues were testing me by dropping it in one of our pockets. :D

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