Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ghosts of the Library

Illinois is the Lincoln State and Springfield, which is the capital of IL, boasts of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Lincoln's Tomb and his house.
Saturday afternoon was spent at the Lincoln Museum. The museum is not large as museums go, but it does give you a very good insight into the life and lifestyle of this great person through various shows and exhibits.
The best part, according to me, was a show called Ghosts of the Library - a holographic show with a live curator/historian which lasts for 30 mins. The curator/historian goes on to explain why people are still interested in collecting memorabilia like letters, music boxes, journals etc from the Lincoln period. The show is made magical by the 'ghosts' who seem to wander out of books, the quill that starts writing in the air in Lincoln's handwriting etc. The ending of course was quite a surprise which I will not share with you. You need to watch it to know what am talking about.
The Presidential Years' Exhibit starts at the White House where you find the Lincoln family waiting to greet you. The first room has Mary in her evening gown and as you go in, you pass through various parts of the White House, including the kitchen. A very striking lifelike exhibit. At one point, you pass through a room where you find Lincoln in his office introducing the Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet. The whole thing seemed so lifelike, I felt someone would move any second now and ask - 'Young lady, what do you think you are doing in here?' :D Amazing work indeed.
The Pre Presidential Years Exhibit starts at the Lincolns' log cabin with the much heard scene of Abe learning to read as the family slept at night. It takes you through his life as a young man and of his years as a lawyer and how he met Mary and so on.
Another show called Lincoln's Eyes was a fully automated special effects show which focused on the personal and political dramas and the key issues during Lincoln's period. As you come to the start of the Civil War, cannons start booming and your seats start shaking. Very theatrical!
There is more to the place like an exhibit of Lincoln's personal items, a play area for kids called Mrs Lincoln's attic and of course, the cannot-do-without gift shop!
Did you know that Lincoln had 4 sons, 3 of who died? Two of them died when he was the President. After Lincoln's death, Mary was declared insane by their son and taken to a mental institute. Well, quite sad, I must say!
Abe Lincoln lived during a time when the whole nation was divided over the slavery issue. But in the end, in spite of receiving practically no support and all the personal tragedies, he triumphed. Well, we all know who he is and the museum just got me a step closer to Abe and his family.
It was an afternoon well spent.
On a lighter note, we also bumped into a lot of people dressed in green - green hats, green pants, green jackets, green blouses, green beads, green headgear and believe me - even green streaked hair. St Patrick's day and they were waiting for the parade to start. Was quite funny. As the chef at the Japanese restaurant put it, when we went there for dinner - "Are you Irish?" "No", said the man wearing green beads. Pat came the reply - "Oh, just for today, eh?" :)

1 comment:

KT said...

Do you have any idea how the ending of the Ghost of the Library was realized? It's still a mystery to me.
All the while, I thought it was a real actor.

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