Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tag along

Whoops! I had been tagged months ago, by a warrier who wanted to know what an elf thought… :D
Here is what the elf thinks

If the world were to be flat – there are a lot of people I would have loved to push over the edge. But, since it is round, I guess I will have to just go on bumping into those people again and again…Damn this circle of life!

If I had a million dollars – I would retire from my job, buy a plantation in Wayanad, grow marijuana in between the tea plants and live in style with my man and 2 tigers (a rub off from tarzan, george of the jungle and of course my fav – phantom)
On the other hand, in the real world, I guess I would end up with a few thousands after paying off the taxes. And then back to the grind :P

If I had to relive some experience of mine – it would be the times I spent doing my undergrad. Was on top of the world (literally! Our college was on top of a hill with a BEAUTIFUL view). There was no program that escaped our presence, be it with dancing or singing. Miss those days!

I would rather be reborn as Belle. She ended up with a prince who had this amazing collection of books. The best library I have ever seen (hee hee hee). As Lumiere correctly points out – there are rivers of books which you will never finish reading in a lifetime.
On the other hand, since there is no hope of that happening now, I would rather use the downtown library. (No, the librarian is not a handsome young man, rather a sweet old lady)

My fav pastimes – reading, as you might have guessed, sleeping and of course eating. (still a piglet …. :( )

I love – to dance to any kind of music.

I love – to get red roses, clichéd… but if asked to choose between a pala and a rose, the pala wins hands down. Does that make me a witch???

I hate – dancing at parties. In fact, I hate parties (though I still attend the ones thrown by the company)

From my travels I learnt – people are basically the same everywhere, be it in India or Cyprus or Israel. A little bit of nosiness, a little bit of jealousy and tons of love and concern.
If people were to stop fighting and start living for once, there would be world peace. (cannot do without one on world peace. Can I be crowned Miss World pls?)

Asked what I learnt in these 26 years – time flies by too fast when you are having a good time, but during the best moments of life – time does seem to stand still. Life is just a bunch of memories strung together.

So, here is what the elf thinks. What about the warrier and elf’s sister?


Anonymous said...

Warrier's just back, need some time to recuperate. Hang on !! :P

D for Dawn said...

@rajesh - Welcome back dude! My turn to leave!

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